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Guest Speaker: Just Say The Word

I'm so excited to share episode 18 of Candidly Erin's "Just Say The Word" with myself as the guest speaker.

It’s something new entrepreneurs hear all the time: “But what if it doesn’t work out?” If your friends and family don’t believe in your business, or they think you should just “get a real job,” listen up. In this episode of Just Say The Word, I share my story of building a successful branding boutique, even while facing the doubts and fears voiced by my loving family. They wanted the best for me and in their eyes that meant a stable, corporate job with benefits. Although they didn't see eye to eye with my vision, I still loved them for wanting the best for me.

Along with this story I have some great advice for following your dreams—undeterred by the voices of doubt—and helping those around you embrace your vision.

Check out the full episode here:


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