With the world-changing, many people are increasingly looking to work from home, especially given the recent events with the spread of COVID-19.
I've been working from home for over four years now with Roop Creative and before then did a year as a freelancer. I've had good days and bad days and now feel like I'm an expert when it comes to working from home - - successfully and effectively!
With that said, today I'm sharing the rules that have helped me get here.
1. Have a Set Schedule
A start and end time can ensure you don't over or under work yourself. Working from home means you always have access to your company and business, so it's key to have a set time to shut down. I find without this it's really easy to just continuously work. Which then affects your family, personal life and sanity!
This also helps you create boundaries - which is so important and goes both ways. I never do household chores during business hours and vice versa.
2. Create an Office Space for Yourself
I am blessed to have a dedicated room for my office. This room is all me - the way it functions and looks allows me to be creative and complete my daily tasks. When creating your space (even if it's temporary) make it fully yours and dedicate the design of the room to help those creative juices.
Now that said... I understand that this may not be the case for everyone in the beginning. Heck, I know it wasn't for me. So here's the deal, if you can't create a clean and creative work environment in a whole room, then have a clean and creative work-desk at least. Even if it's your dining room table! Just remember, for work-time make sure it has nothing to do with dining. Then once you're done clean up and let your dining room table be just that.
Now having a workspace regardless of whether it's a room or a table is important. You won't be as effective if you're sitting in front of the TV or laying in bed. Plus I find rooms like these always have household chores that can be distracting. Try to avoid this at all costs!
3. Dress Up
I know it sounds like a lot - and isn't the joy of working from home being able to sit in your PJs?! Trust me, when you look good, you feel good and you get MORE done in your day. So dress up! It helps push you towards action and really sets your day for success. Now that's not to say I don't wear yoga pants every now and then, but for the most part, I always ensure I look like I'm the CEO of my company!
4. Take a Lunch Break
Regardless of how busy I am, I always take time to sit at my dining table and practice mindful eating. After this, I may go for a walk (if it's nice out) or read a book or watch a quick half-hour show.
This is important as it gives your brain time to recharge. Trust me when I come back from my break, I'm way more productive and get through things a LOT faster!
5. Have Social Phone Calls
When my husband works from home he has a hard time with the loss of the social aspect of office life. This is where social phone calls are important. Whether it's with co-workers or a friend.
For myself, when I'm feeling social I usually give a fellow entrepreneur, a friend who may be on mat-leave or even my mom a call. A quick chat can always get your brain back in action.
6. Be Active Physically & Mentally
Being active can really change the way we feel about our day. It changes your mindset and elevates those creative juices. Go for a walk, do some spin, follow workout videos on YouTube or have a mindful yoga practice, just get your body moving!
While you're there - make sure you take some time to mentally be active too. Check-in with yourself through guided meditation, or sit quietly with your thoughts, even if it's for a minute! And I know you have 60 seconds for yourself.
7. Set Daily Goals
This is the one rule you must walk away with. Why? Well, we tend to focus a lot on the big picture, which can be overwhelming especially when you're working from home. Instead, focus on three key priorities every day and hold yourself accountable to those.
If you have a team, then try and hold daily or weekly accountability meetings to ensure your small goals are being met - which will lead you right to that big picture goal!
So there you have it my tips for working from home! I understand this is a privilege that not everyone can have. I know my parents don't - and I feel for them - so be thankful that you have the ability to do so.