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Bell Let's Talk: Mental Health Awareness

Today is #BellLetsTalk Day, for every text, phone call, or social media post, Bell will donate 5 cents to raise awareness for Mental Health. This conversation is very close to my heart because I suffered from severe anxiety and panic attacks at one point in my life.

Anxiety is not just stress - there is more to it. I remember when I had my panic attacks (yes it happened more than once) I felt like I was having a heart attack. I thank the universe that my family understood this and didn't brush it off. I remember my dad was actually the one who told me I needed to get help. Not once did he belittle me or make me feel less than for not being "put together" and "perfect." Knowing this, helped me get through it. With his support along with everyone else, I was able to talk about it, make changes, get therapy and move forward in life. Today, I'm a successful entrepreneur, living happily and no longer suffer. It took a lot to get here though, so if you know someone who feels like they might be suffering, don't just brush it off and say "it life," talk to them. Sometimes that's all it takes to get that person going in the right direction and seek help. Today I ask you to end the stigma and treat mental illness as it is -- an illness. I personally feel just like we check in with doctors every now and then for our bodies, it's important to check in with therapist as well. Especially when we face trauma and think are “fine.” Your thoughts will surprise you when you’re talking to a therapist. If you are suffering then remember it's ok to ask for help. Even if you act like it's all under control. Some of the worlds biggest leaders & CEOs have suffered. It's very normal. Just remember YOU ARE ENOUGH! And you will get through this.⠀ Lots of love and good vibes


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