I recently came across the Netflix show Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. My first thought was a show on cleaning? Really?! But being the neat-freak that I am topped with always looking for ways to be even more organised I was intrigued.
A couple of episodes in, got me thinking about the importance of having a clean, tidy and organised office space. Since I was a little girl my mom would always insist we pick up and clear the clutter before going to bed. This is a habit I've carried out in my office and home. Now that's not to say it's never messy, sometimes I just want to shut the door and walk away. That said, when I'm feeling uninspired or confused - I clean, and tidy up. Once this is done I honestly feel a surge of energy to take on anything. It really helps me to think and focus.â € I know every time I'm feeling overwhelmed exactly what I need to do and it's crazy how much it helps. I guess this is what Marie means about finding joy! Tell me in the comments below does tidying up help inspire you? And bring joy?