There is no such thing as overnight success. Even when it seems that way. I recently saw an interview with Kate Mckinnon where the reporter asked her how she felt about her overnight success. She hesitate and answered (not quoting but giving you a general idea of what she said), I worked a couple of jobs at the same time, applied just about everywhere, went to numerous gigs (failed and successful) and networked my way here. So it may seem like overnight success to someone on the outside but it's not for me.
Remember this, because you really can't compare your day one to someone day 20 all you can do is continue to work and hustle hard knowing you're headed in the right direction. Which I know isn't easy at first. It feels repetitive and you questions yourself, but trust me success it's around the corner so long as you keep showing up and doing what you need to do.
Here are three simple tips you can follow to ensure you're always showing up in the right way: 1. Be consistent both online and offline - this makes you seem authentic and true, helping you gain the trust of your following, clients and fans! 2. Continue to educate yourself on trends in your market and listen to your clients needs. Can I tell you - when I first started my services page looked completely different. I realized very early on that my clients needed something unique to them, they needed time face to face and wanted to be part of the process. I listened to this. I tweaked my offerings and gave them exactly what they needed. In some cases cutting my service down into two segments - for example, when I started I only offered Social Media Management packages, with monthly rates. Well not all entrepreneurs can afford that - but they can afford a strategy that they only need to update once a year, so why not offer them exactly what they need for a more affordable price? This simple change elevated my business and made it available to so many more people. So keep your mind open and your ears alert!
3. Cold calls, social DMs that lead to meetups, networking events, and lots and I mean lots of coffee - the best way to get clients is to make yourself available and educate them on your business.
The more your hustle the closer your dreams will be. And honestly, even showing up is a step so count that.